Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Training Tip Using Dogs Name by Greg Marlett

It's extremely important that your dog or puppy has a good and positive association with its name. Therefore when starting your training, give him a treat and praise whenever he responds correctly to his name. For example; you are teaching a basic command like sit; call the dogs name and then the command; "Rover" sit! This way the dog learns its name, as well as it's first command and has been rewarded for a correct response. With a new dog or puppy you may have to gently push its hind end down and hold its front end up by the collar thus guiding him, when first giving and learning the command sit. You must always use the dogs name before giving him any command and then treat and praise when he responds correctly.

Never, repeat never, call out the dogs name and punish him or yell at him. He will learn to avoid you whenever you use his name, which is exactly the opposite of what you want.

Secrets to Dog Training - Dog Training To Stop Your Dog Behavioral Problems!

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